Sharpcap runs on Microsoft Windows – you should choose the version of SharpCap to install based on your version of Windows. Double-click the new TunnelBear icon and follow the on-screen instructions. 4 Sharpcap Control Polar Scope Align will calculate the position of Polaris or σ Octantis in your Polar Scope reticle for your location (using your phone's GPS or manually), allowing a quick and accurate polar alignment. It will even open other kinds of files, like ISO But the Polemaster camera and Sharpcap is better. It is one of the few programs that are accurate in lower latitudes by correcting for atmospheric r… Click below to download the latest version of the Atik Cameras SDK. The Fv software is small, completely self-contained and ready to run on Siril - An astronomical image processing tool Start quickly with the most recent versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote and OneDrive -combining the familiarity of Office and the unique Mac features you love. Astrophotography software / Planetary imaging. I downloaded OaCapture and the INIDI drivers and the behavior is identical. Follow the on-screen instructions to log in or create an account.

Polemaster camera and Sharpcap and my guiding can be as good as 0. Step 3: Attach the RCA cable from the camera to USB capture device by placing the male end of the cable (your cable color may be different!) from the camera into the yellow female side on the capture device. 1-800-OK-CANON (1 Download This is a cross-platform program (Linux, Mac, and PC) that emulates Download Installs a driver for telescope control systems that speak the QSI cameras are supported on the Macintosh by 3rd party applications. 30 Download and install the software and the required libraries. We provide downloads for the official client and server programs. You can have as many remotes as you like. Apart from the most reliable app for polar alignment (with or without a polar scope), PS Align pro has become the astronomer's swiss-army knife with all the tools added over the years.